Report: Medicaid expansion pays for itself

Report: Medicaid expansion pays for itself; future economic impact seen as bright

Apr 10, 2018

In the first two years after Montana expanded Medicaid, the savings to the state have eclipsed the costs. Though that could flip by 2020, increased activity in Montana’s economy because of the expansion will more than make up the difference.

That’s according to a report commissioned by the Montana Healthcare Foundation and Headwaters Foundation.

The full report will be released broadly later this week. A preliminary version was discussed at a state legislative interim hearing earlier this year. It was produced by the University of Montana’s Bureau of Business and Economic Research.

The report also found that in the time Montana has expanded Medicaid, workforce participation has increased among low-income earners. When Montana choose to expand Medicaid, it also added a program called Help-Link that connects those covered under expansion with employment assistance.

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