Strategies to Optimize Virtual Healthcare Webinar Series

In by Duncan Cordell

Three-part webinar series held in March 2024. Session 1/March 5: Session 2/March 12: Session 3/March 19:  

Health Center Controlled Networks

In by Anna Smith

Health Center Controlled Networks (HCCNs) help health centers improve quality of care and patient safety by using health information technology (HIT) to reduce costs and improve care coordination. They offer specialized training and technical assistance (T/TA) to take advantage of economies of scale, including: Group buying power, Shared training, and Data analytics to support quality measurement and improvement.

Health Center Program UDS Data

In by Anna Smith

Health Center Program Uniform Data System (UDS) Data— select the program type and your state to view center-by-center data.

2022 State Performance Indicators Statistics

In by Anna Smith

2022 UDS State Performance Indicators – statistics of patient profile, quality of care, and service delivery indicators, presented by state.

Checklist for UDS Submission

In by Anna Smith

Health Resources Services Association (HRSA) Uniform Data System (UDS) submission checklist. This checklist serves as a reference to ensure a complete, accurate, and on-time UDS submission.