Director Onboard 1.1

In by Barbara Schott

Overview of basics for new Behavioral Health Directors

BH Peer Review Form 1.0

In by Barbara Schott

Complete this checklist when conducting medical record review or direct observation of a licensed independent practitioner.

Behavioral Health Metrics

In by Barbara Schott

Data metrics to use in clinic for Behavioral Health visits and patients

Age of Consent Law

In by Barbara Schott

Montana Annotated Code about providing Behavioral Health services for minors

Primary Care Behavioral Health (Part 2)

In by Barbara Schott

RECORDING AND SLIDES: Learn the magic of warm and off and structuring session; discover the marvel of diagnosis and treatment; and grasp the life cycle of treatment with the 4-parts to a treatment plan: Warm Hand-off and introduction explanation to treatment and treatment plans. Skills based to interventions (session) 1 or 2 training (i.e. 12 sessions; teach skills towards dx, …