RECORDING AND SLIDES: Presenter Tammera Nauts LCSW LAC, goes over the science of addiction in the brain, withdrawal, and recovery. Harm Reduction principles are also covered in this presentation. You can view the recording here: If you are wanting Behavioral Health continuing education credits for viewing this webinar, please email Barbs Schott ( for instructions.
MOUD 3-Hour Bootcamp
RECORDING AND SLIDES: Daniel Nauts MD, discusses diagnosing and treating Opiate Use Disorder. He also covers how OUD works in the brain and how medications to treat OUD work. Learn about how to induce a patient on MOUD, maintenance, and low-threshold care. You can view the recording of the webinar here:
Engaging Patients with Substance Use Disorders (Session 1)
RECORDING AND SLIDES: Tammera Nauts LCSW LAC, goes over the history of drug policy in the USA and how language and stigma affect our patient care. You can view the recording here: If you are wanting Behavioral Health continuing education credits for viewing this webinar, please email Barbs Schott ( for instructions.
New Glasses: Language and Stigma
RECORDING AND SLIDES: Tammera Nauts LCSW LAC, presents on exploring our culture and biases which directly influence our patient interactions and care. Learn about the history of substance use and disorders, the war on drugs, the effects of medical trauma, and how the language we choose shapes the way we treat our patients. The recording can be viewed here: …
Collaborating with your Pharmacist for MOUD
RECORDING AND SLIDES: Slide deck for Travis Schule’s presentation on collaborating with your pharmacist when prescribing Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD). View recording here: If you are wanting continuing education credits for viewing this webinar, please email Barbs Schott ( for instructions.
Stimulants: When to Use Anti-Psychotics
RECORDING AND SLIDES: Slide deck for Dr Bob Sise’s presentation on when to use anti-psychotics in patients who use stimulants. View recording here: If you are wanting continuing education credits for viewing this webinar, please email Barbs Schott ( for instructions.
ASAM Guidelines for Treating Stimulant Use Disorder
GUIDELINES: This is ASAM’s Guidelines on Treatment of Stimulant Use Disorder Pocket Guide.
Stimulant Use Disorder and ADHD
RECORDING AND SLIDES: Dr Ty Reidenbaugh talks about ADHD and how to treat in the context of a Stimulant Use Disorder. You can view the recording here: If you are wanting continuing education credits (CMEs or BH CEUs) for viewing this webinar, please email Barbs Schott ( for instructions.
Treatment of Stimulant Use Disorder
RECORDING AND SLIDES: Dr Bob Sise discusses psycho-social interventions and medications for the treatment of Stimulant Use Disorder. View recording here: If you are wanting continuing education credits for viewing this webinar, please email Barbs Schott ( for instructions.
Harm Reduction in Montana
RECORDING AND SLIDES: Slide deck for Christa Weather’s presentation on Harm Reduction in Montana. View recording here: If you are wanting continuing education credits for viewing this webinar, please email Barbs Schott ( for instructions.