RECORDING AND SLIDES: Slide deck for Christa Weather’s presentation on Harm Reduction in Montana. View recording here: If you are wanting continuing education credits for viewing this webinar, please email Barbs Schott ( for instructions.
SBIRT for adults
RECORDING AND SLIDES: Gina Pate Terry’s slides on SBIRT (screening, brief intervention, referral for treatment) for adults. This method is useful in primary care clinics to help identify patients who may have a substance use disorder and connect them to treatment. View the recording here: SBIRT 5.10.24 (
Brixadi Prior Authorization Form (Medicaid)
FORM: The prior authorization form to fill out for your Medicaid patients to get coverage for Brixadi.
Opioid Analgesia, Dependence, & Addiction Linked by Opioid Reward
SLIDES: Dr Mark Sullivan’s presentation on opioid analgesia, dependence, and addiction.
What is the role of psychological trauma in chronic pain?
SLIDES: Dr Mark Sullivan’s slide deck on trauma and pain.
Tobacco Use Disorder
SLIDES: Dr Greg Holzman’s and Nicole Aune’s presentation on Tobacco use Disorder.
SLIDES: Dr Madeline Turner’s presentation on Insomnia.
Suboxone in the ER
SLIDES: St James’ presentation on Suboxone in the Emergency Room.
SLIDES: Bobbi Perkin’s presentation on WICHE.
Montana Prescription Drug Registry
SLIDES: The Montana Board of Pharmacy’s slides about the Montana Prescription Drug Registry tool.