Primary Care Associations

In by Anna Smith

What’s a Primary Care Association (PCA)? PCAs are state and regional nonprofit entities. They work with health centers to best meet the needs of communities health centers serve. They help health centers adapt to changes in the health care environment. They train and help health centers to: Increase access to primary care Fast track value-based care delivery Foster a health …

Health Center Site Visit Guide

In by Anna Smith

Health Center Program Site Visit Protocol (SVP) The Site Visit Protocol is a tool to assist the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) perform its oversight of health centers. The SVP includes a standard and transparent methodology that aligns with the Health Center Program Compliance Manual.

Health Center Quality Improvement

In by Anna Smith

Health Center Program Quality Improvement initiatives align with the National Quality Strategy and support the efforts of health centers toward: Better care for patients Healthy communities Lower health care costs These initiatives assist health centers in the development and implementation of ongoing quality improvement through an array of policies and programs, funding, training and technical assistance, data and information sharing, and partnerships …

Health Center Compliance Manual

In by Anna Smith

The Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC) is responsible for effective and efficient oversight of the Health Center Program. The Health Center Program Compliance Manual is the principal resource to assist health centers in understanding and demonstrating compliance with Health Center Program requirements.

Grant Regulations

In by Anna Smith

Uniform Administrative Requirements for HHS Awards: 45 CFR 75