Presented by Dr. J. Bryan Sexton We summarize the research to explain that there are demonstrably powerful benefits to being altruistic, and provide a framework for how to use Random Acts of Kindness at the individual and work setting levels.
Positive WalkRounds: Leader Rounding to Identify What is Going Well — Links to Quality, Culture, and Workforce Resilience
Presented by Dr. J Bryan Sexton
The Science of Wow: Cultivating Awe and Wonder as a Resilience Strategy
Presented by Dr. J. Bryan Sexton A feast for the eyes, this highly visual and image-driven webinar summarizes and demonstrates the benefits of the emotion of awe, including increased life satisfaction, greater sense of meaning, and a desire to connect with others.
Collaboration vs. Dealing with Difficult Colleagues: Assessing, Understanding and Improving Teamwork in a Work Setting Near You
Presented by Dr. Kyle Rehder & Dr. J. Bryan Sexton This session guides you through the prevalence and severity of disruptive behavior, as well as its correlates and consequences. Institutional and individual strategies for dealing with difficult colleagues are discussed.
Relationship Resilience: The Science of How Other People Matter
Presented by Dr. Carrie Adair This session describes how cultivating meaningful relationships is a health behavior, and how loneliness puts us at risk for lower satisfaction at work and in life, poorer immune system functioning, and even reduced longevity. Importantly, it is the quality, not the quantity, of our relationships that appears to matter most.
Being Present: The Science of Mindfulness
Presented by Dr. Carrie Adair The data are clear: Mindfulness matters. We demonstrate what it means to be in the “present moment” or mindful, review the research on mindfulness for well-being, and how mindfulness can help communication and relationships. An opportunity to practice mindfulness is offered, as well as strategies to boost everyday mindfulness.
Psychological Safety: The Predictive Power of Feeling Supported When Things Go Wrong
Presented by Dr. J. Bryan Sexton “Better to say nothing and be thought the fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.” This session demonstrates the concept of psychological safety, cultivating voice, and understanding what we can do to make it easier for others to speak up with concerns.
Enhancing Resilience: Practicing Safe Stress and the Science of Sleep
Presented by Dr. J. Bryan Sexton What should you eat on a stressful day? How long is a good nap? The answers might surprise you. Here we recognize, anticipate and respond to human limitations associated with sleep deprivation.
Enhancing Resilience: Three Good Things
Presented by Dr. J. Bryan Sexton The most popular of our resilience tools is back this month. This simple, enjoyable and remarkably effective tool can be used for 10-15 days, with measurable improvements across a variety of resilience metrics that endure for over a year.
HANDOUT: EM Consulting De-Escalation Basics
This handout is intended to accompany the Integrated Care Teams: The Front Office training. For use by facilitators