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Protected: Primary Care Behavioral Health Session #1
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Protected: Primary Care Behavioral Health Session #2
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Protected: Primary Care Behavioral Health Webinar Series
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Collaborative Documentation
RECORDING AND SLIDES: Slide deck for Collaborative Documentation presentation by Jamie VanderLinden. Learn how to document in the EHR with your client so as to be more patient-centered in your progress notes. You can view the recording here:
Integrated Behavioral Health Leadership Competency Tool
ASSESSMENT TOOL: A tool to assess your Integrated Behavioral Health leadership on 6 competency areas.
Integrated Behavioral Health Implementation Guide Companion Reader
COMPANION READER: This document is a companion reader to the Integrated Behavioral Health Implementation Guide.
Integrated Behavioral Health Implementation Guide
GUIDEBOOK: This document introduces Primary Care Behavioral Health (PCBH) services and the evidence for using this full integration approach in the primary care setting. It describes the rationales for implementing PCBH services and a brief and practical way to introduce this approach to staff members in the clinic. Additionally, the document describes the roles and responsibilities of all members of …
Integrated Behavioral Health Implementation Checklist
RESOURCE: The purpose of this tool is to guide you in identifying specific actions that can help you efficiently develop integrated mental health and addiction services and to experience the improved outcomes associated with integrated care.