MOUD 3-Hour Bootcamp

In by Barbara Schott

RECORDING AND SLIDES: Daniel Nauts MD, discusses diagnosing and treating Opiate Use Disorder. He also covers how OUD works in the brain and how medications to treat OUD work. Learn about how to induce a patient on MOUD, maintenance, and low-threshold care. You can view the recording of the webinar here:  

Collaborating with your Pharmacist for MOUD

In by Barbara Schott

RECORDING AND SLIDES: Slide deck for Travis Schule’s presentation on collaborating with your pharmacist when prescribing Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD). View recording here: If you are wanting continuing education credits for viewing this webinar, please email Barbs Schott ( for instructions.

Montana MOUD Provider Attestation Form

In by Barbara Schott

This is the form for new Montana providers to state their intention to prescribe Suboxone film to Medicaid patients

Initiating Buprenorphine and Maintenance

In by Barbara Schott

RECORDING AND SLIDES: Slide deck for Dr Dan Nauts’ presentation on initiating a Buprenorphine patient and maintenance on this medication. View recording here: If you are wanting continuing education credits for viewing this webinar, please email Barbs Schott ( for instructions.